(modifié de Coste, Flore de la France 1937) :
Plante annuelle de 10-50 cm, glabrescente ou pubescente.
Écologie : (répartition d'après la flore) Prés, lieux herbeux
Répartition hors de France :
(various sources, as not in Butcher)
NOTE: the French text is more complete and up-to-date
Annual, 10-50 cm, hairless or hairy
Ecology UK: Not native to the UK France: Fields, grassy places
Fleurs : [bractées et calices brièvement pubescents ] ; [FlorMed -> calice pubérulent sur les 2 faces] corolle jaune, longue de 13-23 mm, accrescente, à tube un peu courbé, à lèvres rapprochées [corolle à gorge fermée], et à gorge fermée ; dents du casque coniques, violacées
Floraison France : Mai-aoüt.
Flowers: Bracts and calyx briefly pubescent; corolla with a closed throat. Bracts hairless, whitish, widely triangular, drawn out into a point, incised-toothed, with unequal teeth, gradually smaller, the lowers much longer abd 3-7 mm deed, pointedor shortly awned; calyx [FlorMed -> velvety on the two faces], yellow corolla 13-23 mm long, accrescent, with a tube a bit curved. with lips close together and a closed throat; teeth of the hood conical; violet
Flowering UK: May-August